Sunday, February 20, 2011

ACPE and the Jefferson School of Population Health

NEWS FLASH---I will be traveling to San Antonio TX in early April to officially announce the joint venture between the American College of Physician Executives and our School of Population Health. WE have created a new degree program, in cooperation with ACPE called the Masters in Healthcare Quality and Safety Management. By taking 120 credit hours of CPE under the auspices of the ACPE, candidates can then apply to our school for the new Masters in QSMNGT. Physicians armed with this new degree will count themselves among the future leaders of the vast apparatus necessary to measure and evaluate the quality and safety of medical care under health reform. They will become the leaders of the ACOs and the PCMHs, especially for those organizations with a deep commitment to self evaluation and improvement. The ACPE has been a nationally recognized leader in executive training for docs for more than twenty years and I have had the privilege of leading two of their key core courses during this time frame. The joint venture between our two organizations represents the culmination of two years of planning and was unanimously endorsed by the Boards of both organizations. To learn more, stay tuned to I will keep you posted in this space as well. DAVID NASH

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